The plot thickens: Elections BC clarifies SCC's clarification of third party election advertising sponsorship

This week, Elections BC put out a bulletin that attempts to clarify the Supreme Court of Canada's clarification. In a nutshell, EBC's position is that if you, as an individual acting alone, make fewer than 26 signs or pamphlets by yourself, using your own supplies and equipment, and you hand-deliver these to fewer than 26 people, then you will not be caught be the definition of a "sponsor" in the BC Election Act. However, organizations, including groups of individuals, that conduct any sort of election advertising will be considered sponsors and subject to all the rules regarding advance registration, authorization lines, and disclosure reporting.

The organization that brought the legal action that resulted in the Supreme Court of Canada's recent decision disagrees with EBC's bulletin. The BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association, along with the BC Civil Liberties Association, sent a joint letter to BC's Chief Electoral Officer this morning outlining their concerns. They take issue with a number of Election BC's interpretations, including the exclusion of organizations, from the scope of the SCC's clarification. 

We'll keep you posted as this unfolds. In the meantime, don't forget to register for our upcoming workshop, Election Advertising Sponsorship 101, which will be held on February 28th.

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SCC clarifies: You might not have to register with Elections BC

The BC Election Act requires individuals and organizations to register before they “sponsor” election advertising. This places a burden on people and groups to ensure they understand the law regarding election advertising and sponsorship in advance of engaging in any of these activities.

The BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association took issue with having to register in order to engage in small-scale election advertising. Unlike the Canada Elections Act, the BC Election Act does not specify a minimum spending threshold (i.e. $500) before sponsors are required to register. The Association pursued its fight all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada (the “SCC”).

The SCC’s recent decision refocuses the requirement to register on the basis of whether or not a person or group meets the definition of a sponsor, rather than whether or not their communications meet the definition of election advertising. Election law enthusiasts: see below for more on these definitions. According to the SCC, “sponsor” captures individuals and organizations who receive advertising services from others in undertaking election advertising campaigns, but exempts election advertising that is not sponsored from the requirement to register.

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B.C. government takes potshot at junior hockey players after lobbying by team owners

Last February, I blogged about whether or not the B.C. government was off-side when it exempted major junior hockey players from the protections and minimum standards contained in the Employment Standards Act.

Today, the Vancouver Sun revealed the results of FOI requests related to behind-the-scenes lobbying by Western Hockey League officials in Kelowna, Kamloops, Cranbrook, Prince George, Vancouver and Victoria, which included letters addressed to Premier Christy Clark and cabinet. According the Sun, the teams claimed they might have to close without government intervention.

The CHL boasts more than nine million fans attended its games last season. The CHL is also the world’s largest development hockey league, with 52 Canadian and eight American teams participating in the Ontario Hockey League, Quebec Major Junior Hockey League and Western Hockey League (which includes the five B.C. region teams mentioned above).

Last season, tickets to Vancouver Giants home games at the Pacific Coliseum sold for between $15.50 and $24.50 and they were expected to play 36 homes games this season. Attendance at Vancouver Giants’ games last season has been estimated at 5169 people on average. Even at the lowest ticket price, this suggests gross ticket sales for home games of over $2.8 million – and that’s not counting revenue generated from away games. Apparently, the Giants also leased the Pacific Coliseum on a break-even basis.

The other teams in the Western Hockey League’s B.C. Region also sell thousands of tickets per game.

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New Elections Canada Report warns about tipping point, calls for major modernization by 2019

Elections Canada’s Retrospective Report on the last federal election has just been released. The Report incorporates data from various post-election surveys (some of which we’ve blogged about previously) and audits, and will form the basis of Elections Canada’s recommendations regarding amendments to the Canada Elections Act. Overall, the Report emphasizes that significant changes to election procedures are necessary to keep pace with modern voting habits and to address issues that arose during the campaign.

The Report warns that action is needed now to avoid future crises:

“Given this shift and the number of years between elections, it is essential to recognize that the success of the 42nd general election is no guarantee of favourable outcomes in the future. This is not the time for complacency. In Elections Canada's estimation, federal electoral administration has reached a tipping point and action is required now. The transformation in elector behaviours and service preferences is significant, and a new baseline must be set in terms of meeting, and hopefully exceeding, electors' service needs.”

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Benefits denied? You may be able to grieve after all!

A unionized employee who has been denied benefits or coverage under an employer-sponsored plan may face a deceptively difficult decision: whether to grieve the denial against the employer, or to sue the insurance company.

In many cases the employee’s only option will be to sue the insurance company. The insurance company is not a party to the collective agreement, so grievance arbitration is not available. Usually, this means that the employee is on their own, without direct representation from the union.

Sometimes, though, an employee does have the option to grieve. If an employer is self-insured – that is, the employer itself pays the insured members’ claims – then denial of coverage is arbitrable, because the employer itself denied the coverage.

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Marginalized and isolated, or potential terrorists? BC Judge slams RCMP entrapment of vulnerable couple

On July 29th, a couple who had been convicted of terrorism charges for planting three explosive devices on the BC legislature grounds received a stay of proceedings at the BC Supreme Court. Justice Bruce described the couple, John Nuttall, 41 and Amanda Korody, 33, as “marginalized, socially isolated, former heroin addicts dependent on methadone and welfare to subsist”.

In 2013, the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency informed the RCMP that Mr. Nuttall had tried to buy potassium nitrate which can be used to manufacture explosives. From this point on, a group of RCMP officers undertook an elaborate sting operation called “Project Souvenir” to induce the couple into committing the offence. 

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Why symbolic victories matter: Celebrating the inclusion of trans rights in the BC Human Rights Code

We are among many British Columbians celebrating the amendment (finally!) of the BC Human Rights Code to explicitly recognize gender identity and gender expression as protected grounds. 

While trans activists and their allies demanded this change, the BC Liberal government insisted for years that the change was unnecessary. The law is already clear, they said: even though the Human Rights Code doesn't explicitly say the words "gender identity and gender expression", the Tribunal and courts have decided that these grounds are nonetheless protected.

Why did trans activists keep fighting, then? Why did MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert introduce the proposed legislation 4 times in 5 years? And why does it feel like such a victory to see this change finally in place? 

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Union-administered benefit plans: proceed with extreme caution!

If you are a union that administers benefits for your members, you will likely be interested in today’s decision from the BC Court of Appeal in a case about union-administered LTD benefits.

A group of disabled members filed a class-action lawsuit against the union after their LTD benefits were reduced. The LTD plan had been facing insolvency due to rising claims costs and insufficient premiums to cover them. 

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Gotta catch 'em all... at work?

Pokémon Go is a hot topic at our workplace lately. Three of us have been swept up in the craze, while the other two (hint, it’s a generational thing) find the whole thing bizarre and somewhat distasteful. Sula, our office dog, has not yet declared her position on the issue.

Perhaps Pokémon Go is a hot topic at your workplace these days too. Here are some FAQs* about Pokémon Go in the workplace.

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Five questions you should NEVER ask on cross-examination

A well-crafted cross examination is like a classical sculpture, every extra bit of marble chipped away until all that is left is the essential form of David.  A skilled cross-examiner asks only those questions required to make the argument and nothing more. Cross-examining effectively is just as much about what not to ask as it is about what to ask. Here are five kinds of questions that have no place in well-executed cross-examination at grievance arbitration:

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How long is too long to wait for trial?

In a split decision, the Supreme Court of Canada has set out new guidelines that will dramatically change the way our courts enforce the right under section 11(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to be tried within a reasonable time.

The old rules set down in 1992 involved balancing a series of factors, including the length of the delay, the reasons, any conduct by the accused that waived portions of the waiting time, limits to institutional resources for getting cases heard, and prejudice to the accused.

In R. v Jordan, after commenting on the harmful trend toward lengthier delays, the majority set out a fixed time-frame to determine whether charges should be stayed because of violation of section 11(b). 

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Member complaint against CLAC must proceed to hearing, LRB rules

The Christian Labour Association (CLAC), Local 66, suffered a setback at the Labour Relations Board earlier this month.  CLAC claims to be a trade union but is not recognized to be a legitimate workers’ organization by anyone within the labour movement.  A recent decision by the LRB illustrates some of the reasons why this is so.

In a decision issued June 16, 2016, Re Clark Reefer Lines Ltd,  a reconsideration panel of the Labour Relations Board headed by Board Chair Brent Mullin directed that the Board hold a hearing into the merits of a complaint by a member of the Christian Labourer’s Association of Canada (CLAC) Local 66 that the union had violated its duty of fair representation when it failed to represent him in his termination.

 The worker alleged that when he was hired he was never told who the union was; he was not given a collective agreement and when dues were deducted there was no indication as to which union they were being forwarded.  

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Can my boss monitor my online activity?

When was the last time you went offline…truly offline? I’m talking about actually turning off your phones, computers, tablets, laptops, Fitbits, Apple Watches, or any of the many other ways we connect electronically. 

Now, do you ever use work devices for personal reasons? Do you occasionally check Facebook, plan your next vacation, maybe do a bit of banking or search Cuteoverload for stress-relieving kitten GIF’s? (No judgement.) 

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New voter turnout data shows big increases in BC, youth, and on-reserve voters in the 2015 federal election

Elections Canada has just released voter turnout information for the 2015 federal election and the results are very interesting (and not just to election nerds like us!):

  • First time voter turnout increased nationally by nearly 18 percentage points in comparison to 2011 (from 40.5% to 58.3%)
    • Here in BC, first time voter turnout increased by a whopping 26 points! (from 39.4% to 65.7%)
  • Voter turnout among younger people (aged 18-24) increased by 18 percentage points in comparison to 2011 (from 38.8% to 57.1%)
    • In BC, 18-24 year old turnout increased by 24 points! (39.9% to 63.9%)
  • There was also a 12 percentage point bump in turnout among 25-34 year old voters (from 45.1% to 57.4%)
    • Again, BC outperformed the national average with an increase of 18 points (from 41.7% to 59.7%)
  • Voter turnout on-reserve increased nearly 15 percentage points in comparison to 2011 (from 47.4% to 61.5%)
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A lesson every law student should learn early: being mindful of privilege

I have been delighted to join Allevato, Quail & Worth as a law student for the summer of 2016. The opportunity to pursue a career as a lawyer is a great privilege that I hope to never take for granted. During my first month at AQW, two of my wonderful mentors (Carmela Allevato & Jim Quail) invited me to join them to attend a segment of the HEU Summer School at UBC. We went to hear a presentation by Shakil Choudhury, author of Deep Diversity. I was so impressed by the contents of his lecture that I set out to find a copy of Deep Diversity the very next day. His research and expertise have resonated intensely with me as I have begun to experience what working in the legal profession is like.

One of the most important insights which I took away from Shakil’s book is that privilege is a blind spot for those who are receiving preferential positive treatment. We often don’t feel our privilege when we have it, even though it may seem obvious from someone who got the shorter end of the stick. 

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Halting Shadow Flipping and Fixing BC's Housing Market (Alternate Title: Christy Clark Took our Advice?!)

The provincial government of British Columbia has now responded to public outrage about “shadow flipping” – realtors assigning agreements for sale of property in escalating flips, generating a chain of secret profits and multiple commissions from the single sale.  From now on, shadow flipping is prohibited unless the seller has consented to it, and the profits must go back to the homeowner.

We commented about this issue back in February and demanded essentially the reforms that have now been put in place: disclosure of shadow flipping and restoring any gains to the original parties. Hmmm…. does Christy Clark read our blog?

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Performance Based Ratemaking (PBR) and You: A Ratepayer and Union Overview

PBR is becoming very popular across North America because it significantly reduces a utility’s expensive and time-intensive reporting and regulatory work for a couple of years while incentivizing the implementation of cost efficiencies through a savings-sharing mechanism that splits the money saved between the ratepayers and the utilities’ shareholders.  The regulator removes the leash and the company is set loose to operate within a set of targets and formulas.

In the end, if you are a ratepayer or a union representing utility workers operating under a PBR then these issues do affect you.  

So how do you ensure your service or your members aren’t unfairly compromised?  You get informed and then, you come to the table and you fight for your rights, your jobs, and your utility.

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